
A Plea to Change Our National Anthem


July – the month of my favorite holiday: Independence Day, AKA The 4th of July. The barbecues, the sunshine, the 10:30 pm dusk, the beach, the booze, and the fireworks. My God, the fireworks! This year, however, I have a confession to make.


This is probably what Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin had in mind.

Usually my blogs aren’t controversial. My most contentious opinion thus far is that the Harry Potter movies are frustratingly terrible. But in our current, polarizing political climate people are taking hard stances and choosing sides. Thus, I too have joined the fray. Unpopular as my opinion may be, I am compelled to state it:

“The Star-Spangled Banner” kinda sucks. (more…)

The 10 Greatest Quotes from Abraham Lincoln – Number 6…WOW, so true!!!

Behold the series of tubes we call the internet! 

Much has evolved since Al Gore’s invention debuted way back in 1995. I doubt our former VP could have foreseen the many useful ways in which the internet now improves our daily lives, the most popular of which are:

  • Reading articles that aren’t actually articles, but lists (e.g. “23 Reasons why Paragraphs are so Passé”)
  • Expressing self-righteous indignation toward the hot topic du jour (BTW, I’m extremely curious how each of you feels about Donald Trump)
  • Binge watching television shows (Side Note: I’m looking to trade someone an HBOgo password in exchange for a Netflix password)
  • Cat memes. Sweet, adorable cat memes.

During my daily perusal through facebook/twitter/intstagram/tumblr/tinder/grindr/myspace I often find people posting motivational and thought-provoking quotes. Why think for yourself when a famous person can do it for you, amiright? And the person I perhaps see quoted more than anyone else is none other than our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.


Side note: I’m trying to get my Lincoln Impersonator For-Hire business going. Teachers/Maids of Honor, please call me if you’re interested. Honest Abe will visit your history classroom/bachelorette party for a very reasonable price.

As a self-described Abraham Lincoln aficionado, I present the official list:

Honest Abe’s Top Ten Quotes

1. “Four score and seven years ago…hey Bill, what if instead of just saying 87, I start this speech by making everyone do some mental math just for funsies?”
-Gettysburg Pennsylvania, 1863*