Month: December 2015

The 10 Greatest Quotes from Abraham Lincoln – Number 6…WOW, so true!!!

Behold the series of tubes we call the internet! 

Much has evolved since Al Gore’s invention debuted way back in 1995. I doubt our former VP could have foreseen the many useful ways in which the internet now improves our daily lives, the most popular of which are:

  • Reading articles that aren’t actually articles, but lists (e.g. “23 Reasons why Paragraphs are so Passé”)
  • Expressing self-righteous indignation toward the hot topic du jour (BTW, I’m extremely curious how each of you feels about Donald Trump)
  • Binge watching television shows (Side Note: I’m looking to trade someone an HBOgo password in exchange for a Netflix password)
  • Cat memes. Sweet, adorable cat memes.

During my daily perusal through facebook/twitter/intstagram/tumblr/tinder/grindr/myspace I often find people posting motivational and thought-provoking quotes. Why think for yourself when a famous person can do it for you, amiright? And the person I perhaps see quoted more than anyone else is none other than our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.


Side note: I’m trying to get my Lincoln Impersonator For-Hire business going. Teachers/Maids of Honor, please call me if you’re interested. Honest Abe will visit your history classroom/bachelorette party for a very reasonable price.

As a self-described Abraham Lincoln aficionado, I present the official list:

Honest Abe’s Top Ten Quotes

1. “Four score and seven years ago…hey Bill, what if instead of just saying 87, I start this speech by making everyone do some mental math just for funsies?”
-Gettysburg Pennsylvania, 1863*