
Summer: Glorious Champion of Seasons


Summer is once again ending and, once again, all too quickly. Labor Day brings an annual melancholy as my favorite time of year starts slipping away against my will.

Thanks to the earth’s tilt we have changing seasons to help us mark our slow but inevitable decay into eventual death. Despite this constant reminder of our mortality, each season brings its own unique and enjoyable aspects: Autumn has colorful leaves and football and Halloween spookiness, the first snow of Winter is magical, the Spring thaw after a long winter brings excitement and rebirth.

But none of those seasons can match summer. Sweet, wonderful summer. You magnificent queen of sunshine. You brilliant bearer of warmth and flip flops and patio beers. You are my forever love.

The Best of Summer:

30. Sleeping with the bedroom windows open
I haven’t shut my window since May. That’s over four months of fresh air circulating into my bedroom and through my lungs. 